
English language challenge

I really enjoy studying and learning English at the university, the teaching method, how we practice the four skills to communicate, listening, speaking, writing and reading. I think that the course was all rounded and tried to improve our deficient abilities and strengthen the ones we were the best. I think the blogs and videos are an interesting tool to practice English, in my case I’ve never have used them before, so have been different, entertaining and sometimes hard to do. I think it should be used more frequently in previous courses, to help the practice of the learning. I feel like I’m more confident to speak English now, but still there are some aspect that I think I need to improve, like orthography in writing, I know a lot of words and have a good vocabulary and can recognise words when I read, speak or listen but I don’t know how to write them. I plan to continue practice writing, read forums online and reply in English, for example. Other thing would be not bein

Changes that could be made to my study programme

The principal changes that could be made in my study programme would be to add more specialised courses that you can choose in the curriculum. Those courses change by semester and are not given all of them, if you are not able to take it, maybe you can’t do it another semester. In that way, you should take it, even if your workload is high. Another think about the curriculum or courses, is that you must do obligatory courses that are equal to 3 or 4 undergraduate courses, so you should study a lot in a short time (one semester). It would be better if they separate those courses. In general, the courses have more than one teacher you can see different teaching methods, in my case I think the teachers have been good according the course they teach. The obligatory courses and courses that you should pick are 5, 2 obligatory during the first semester the other 3 you decide when to do it. Considering that, you also have to work on your own thesis, papers or side work in the laborato

Summer Holidays

I haven’t think seriously where to go or what to do during holidays, first I would like to finish all my work, so I can really enjoy this period. Maybe the first week I would dedicate to work and try to finish some of this. I’ve been thinking and searching information to travel to Magallanes region, visiting the most important cities and touristic places.  I would like to visit Porvenir, Tierra del Fuego, starting with the national parks, like Pingüino Rey, Karukinka, Alberto de Agostini or Seno Almirantazgo, where you can enjoy wild life and natural landscapes like Cordillera Darwin and snowdrifts. Besides that, I would like to travel and visit other places, maybe Punta Arenas where you can find Fuerte Bulnes and take the circuit to Faro San Isidro and Cabo Froward. Maybe Puerto Natales and visit the Southern Patagonian Ice Field and the Mylodon Cave. I would like to travel alone, I’ve never have the chance to do it and I think it would be a necessary and good experi

Sports in our lives

The sports are really important in our lives, for physical as psychological health. You don’t have to be fit to be healthy, but having a good physical condition makes the difference on the daily life. For example, walking or cycling somewhere, going upstairs, carrying things, if you have difficulties with those task is recommendable to exercise or do those activities in a continued way. When I was younger, I practiced athletics, mainly running. I liked because was an individual sport, you compete with yourself more than with others. I am not sporty, so I didn’t like that much sports in teams, but I have to practice them anyway. Among them, I would choose handball and basketball as the ones I enjoyed the most and volleyball as the one I enjoyed the less. I like a lot Olympics Games, beside all the athletics categories, I would mention weightlifting, tennis, diving, fencing as some of my favourites sports. I would like to learn hockey its seems, entertaining, fast and aggres

Postgradute Studies

I think that you always have something to learn and all that you get to know is a small part, so is better to make it count. If you can specialise in your field you must do it, but never forgetting that is important to learn a little bit of everything. That's why there are a lot of courses I would like to study, starting with chemistry related courses, analytical chemistry, spectroscopic and chromatographic methods, Nano chemistry, photochemistry or atmospheric photochemistry.  I would like to study courses related to environmental sciences like biochemistry of environmental pollution, toxicology, chemistry of renewable energy, climatology, meteorology, geochemistry, hydrography, oceanography. Out of natural science, but related to environment and the social area I have to mention dynamic of systems, education, environmental law, administration or politics and media and communication, being the best way to share my knowledge or connect with people. Some of these courses are

My dream job

(Air pollution in chilean cities) There are a lot of things to consider when you think about your dream job. Right now, I'm studying a major on chemistry, with a minor in environmental chemistry and atmospheric chemistry. I love what I'm studying and my research field because is interdisciplinary. Environmental is connected to different areas, like social sciences, engineering and others natural sciences, so you must learn a little bit of all this and cooperate with specialists of each area. Saying this, my dream job is dedicated to research and investigation, but I have to being able to share what I'm doing, so being a teacher is part of this dream to. Not only that, I would love working directly with people and communities, focusing on environmental education and how "they can be part of the solution and not of the problem", but also looking for their necessities and how my research would help them. The knowledge that I will generate can be used for go

Music ♪♫♬

For me music is transcendental, it's a way of communication and expression that goes beyond everything. It can integrate lyrics, melodies and dance, so its represent a way to understand and conect with others and yourself. Something interesting, is how each historic period is defined by kind or style of music that represents the context of the time. For this reason, I love that out there are lots of differenrents music genres, in that way everyone can find the one that like or identified the most with. In the same case, you can find a style, artist or song that represent how you feel. So music have a big influence in the mood of the listeners, there are studies that prove the benefits or influence of music over learning, health or consume patterns. In my case, depending on what I'm up to is how I select what to listen. If I'm cleaning for example, I tend to listen pop or new trend music. If is for relaxing or study, classical music, indie or rock. When I'