My dream job

(Air pollution in chilean cities)

There are a lot of things to consider when you think about your dream job. Right now, I'm studying a major on chemistry, with a minor in environmental chemistry and atmospheric chemistry. I love what I'm studying and my research field because is interdisciplinary. Environmental is connected to different areas, like social sciences, engineering and others natural sciences, so you must learn a little bit of all this and cooperate with specialists of each area.

Saying this, my dream job is dedicated to research and investigation, but I have to being able to share what I'm doing, so being a teacher is part of this dream to. Not only that, I would love working directly with people and communities, focusing on environmental education and how "they can be part of the solution and not of the problem", but also looking for their necessities and how my research would help them. The knowledge that I will generate can be used for government to produce better legislation and being part of this would be amazing.

I do not care about the salary that much, but while I get enough to cover my family's necessities and mine with a little extra I would be happy. I think that travel in my job is necessary and important, you get to learn a lot and share knowledge with the scientist all over the world, work with them and do the biggest progress that can help others.


  1. Hi Carolina!

    Our interests are very similar. Your devotion to the community has always been a strong attribute in your life, so I hope you can do everything you mention, and who knows... maybe tomorrow we are collaborating in some great project :P

  2. Excellent plans for a future job! You will make a great contribution to Chilean society and this information can be used by governments.


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