Changes that could be made to my study programme

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The principal changes that could be made in my study programme would be to add more specialised courses that you can choose in the curriculum. Those courses change by semester and are not given all of them, if you are not able to take it, maybe you can’t do it another semester. In that way, you should take it, even if your workload is high. Another think about the curriculum or courses, is that you must do obligatory courses that are equal to 3 or 4 undergraduate courses, so you should study a lot in a short time (one semester). It would be better if they separate those courses. In general, the courses have more than one teacher you can see different teaching methods, in my case I think the teachers have been good according the course they teach.

The obligatory courses and courses that you should pick are 5, 2 obligatory during the first semester the other 3 you decide when to do it. Considering that, you also have to work on your own thesis, papers or side work in the laboratory. I think the workload is high, but not impossible to do, same has the length of studies, are reasonable time. Maybe if you are on your last semester and you need a more time (no more than a semester) they should make a discount in the fee.

Talk about the faculty facilities is hard because you must do laboratory work and the university doesn’t supply with all the thing are needed, each laboratory should finance their materials. It would be good if the university give incentives for publications or postgraduates students to the laboratories or tutor teachers.  


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